A welcome speech by Al gore wasn’t as warm as people wanted as he was delivering some devastating news.
He discusses the question of “can we change” followed by “will we change”. Having a famous actor always helps to capture the attention. Amazing images from around the world show how the world’s atmosphere is changing. Population control is important. Education is at the heart. There have been changes in the last 17-20 years that really have shown how different the world can be. England just witnessed the most snow it’s had in many years with a Siberian snow storm covering the country. Hurricane Harvey was also a shock to America and this will not be anything unfamiliar as we move into the future with more severe weather.
Mr Gores speech wasn’t so much to scare people about the future but to really wake people up and realsie that we must act today and start making real differences to the climate. As he discusses, time is not on our side and the climate is beginning to heal but we must speed up the healing process.
The word is spreading and we must not give up on it.
By Alex Mitchison