Home / Beautiful World / THE EARTHWALKER – A New Ballet by Cape Town City Ballet choreographers KIRSTEN ISENBERG AND ROBIN VAN WYK

THE EARTHWALKER – A New Ballet by Cape Town City Ballet choreographers KIRSTEN ISENBERG AND ROBIN VAN WYK

TAURUS – Revel Yon, VIRGO- Cleo Ames; LEO – Msrtin Milner ; SAGITTARIUS – Xolo Putya; ARIES – Claire Spencer; SCORPIO – Ivan Boonzaaier ; PISCES – Elizabeth Nienaber; AQUARIUS – Marc Goldberg.
Some of the finest choreography I have ever seen as a person who loves shows with music and dance are choreographed by our own Cape Town choreographers. Following in the footsteps of legend Veronica Paeper, this amazing ballet BY KIRSTEN ISENBERG AND ROBIN VAN WYK depicting the cycles in the universe and the march through the galaxy of the planetary systems with the added mythical stories of romance and fights for supremacy of the signs of the zodiac. Virgo ( danced by the charming up and coming Cleo Ames) and Taurus danced by Revil Yon who is fast gaining the attention of the ballet world for his incredible dancing and especially for the way his face shows his utter absorbtion with the feeling of the ballet ) follow their attraction through other contenders for Virgo’s affection. There is also the huge presence of Leo ( danced by Martin Milner) whose regal authority over the proceedings is splendidly physical as he commands the protagonists to fight it out to the end.
This video is by kind permission of Cape Town City Ballet. The cast here are not the principle dancers which goes to show how high is the standard of ballet in South Africa. The filming of this was done spontaneously on the last performance. Once we had started filming I was in to the end so the settings and position in the audience I had chosen were what they were. But though this video lacks the quality filming that preplanning and more preset Cameras would have yielded, the incredible experience of this performance still deserves to be seen by the world, So we are putting this up on Mother Channel to celebrate the huge talent of those we share this planet with and in the hope that some may see fit to sponsor the future of ballet in South Africa.
The South African Government refuses to subsidize ballet in South Africa because they consider it eurocentric ( This despite the fact that at least half of the male dancers in the company are not European.)
That ballet of such high caliber is still available for the public is thanks to the sponsors
and to benefit concerts such as this one.
This preformance was preceeded by three excellent junior ballets which can be seen in different videos.

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