“Vanessa Turner’s Riveting Tale of Oceanic Tenacity: Navigating Scarce Resources, Adapting to Archipelago Challenges, and the Art of Thriving on a Boat In the captivating narrative by Vanessa Turner, she shares the gripping account of survival and resilience aboard a boat in the archipelago. Starting with a meager supply of ...
All the organs are already in place, there are heartbeats all over the place, there are the livers to do detoxification, kidneys to close energy loops. All of those organisations that are out there right now serve some function within the organ system of the future we all know is ...
The reason there’s a bunch of C02 in the atmosphere has very little to do with how much humans make. The vast majority of Methane and C02 is made by biomass that decays every year and respiration of life itself, so that’s where most of the C02 comes from. So ...
There is nothing more fascinating than water on the planet in it’s capacity for transformation. It’s the only molecule that can live in so many different phases and the transition from, the liquid water to ice is such a phenomenal experience of water. I can only imagine what that must ...
Read More »Teenage ECO activist addresses delegates at climate change conference
The ECO (Environmental Children’s Organisation), which is a group of 12 and 13-year-olds, trying to make a difference. They raised all the money themselves to be at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development to travel 5000 miles to tell adults at the conference that they need to change ...
Read More »The World Needs to Hear This
King Lear, late at night on the cliffs asks the blind Earl of Gloucester, “How do you see the world?”. And the blind man Gloucester replies, “I see it feelingly.” And shouldn’t we all? Animals must be off the menu because tonight they are screaming in terror in the slaughterhouses, ...
Read More »Craig Foster – The Octopus Teacher and the Origin of Man
The Origin of All Man In this episode we hear from Craig Foster who is in the South African parliament and he is talking to us about his wonderful adventure with a live wild octopus. Craig will be making a film, book and exhibition about his journey with a live ...
Read More »COP 17 Natalia Greene Rights of Nature & Ecuadorian Constitution
COP 17 DURBAN. Natalia Greene from Ecuador speaks on the Rights Of Nature which has been incorporated into the Ecuadorian constitution. Ecuador is pursuing a model of well being for all and not unsustainable.socialistic or capitalistic models, that have proven themselves not to work.
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