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COP 21- Michael Gillenwater – Greenhouse Gas Emission Testing

The University of Earth: Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Micheal Gillenwater, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute:

They do technical capacity building primarily in the developing world, for people that measure greenhouse gas emissions. Their key program is supporting the climate change process in training the inspection review teams for the Kyoto protocol and for future treaties such as the Paris Agreement. Essentially, they teach carbon accounting at all levels, from Corporations to Governments, to International bodies.

Judy asks Micheal what they hope to get from the conference?

They hope to get an agreement! He thinks, to be realistic, that it’s going to be a starting point, (what he calls a “soft agreement”) that will get them on the road to global ambition, but there is going to be a lot of work to do to flesh out the details in the coming months and years.


About Jason Sole

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