This video sees Velma Oseko from sustainable environmental development watch (suswatchkenya.org) talk about how we can promote local climate solutions to end world poverty. Low emissions are a main component of what she cares about and she reinforces the fact that with climate change we create an unstable climate. With an unstable climate we have slower economic growth which is terrible for the progression of the human race and the improvement of the people.

Velma is helping to get the Paris agreement enforced with a special care given to low emissions. The key parts of the Paris Agreement include how countries must significantly reduce their carbon dioxide emissions however many countries are struggling to reach their limits with cities like London breaching the limit in the first month of the year.

While the Network recognizes the great achievement of the global community in forging international agreements to these issues, Suswatch Kenya strongly believe that the world will never truly make poverty history unless world governments implement these agreements within their respective borders.

The Network has henceforth agreed to work together to scale up‟ the Sustainability Watch concept in East Africa focusing on the Lake Victoria basin.

Take a lead out of Velma’s book and buy an electric car instead of a fuel car. Governments must work with and engage the public to work towards a better development status. However inclusion and education is needed at every level to really make an impact on the environment. So if you have younger brothers and sisters that are not aware nor appreciate the magnitude of climate change then do your bit for society and inform them yourself.

Links: http://www.suswatchkenya.org/ ,

Alex Mitchison

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