Mrs Amanda Katili Niode Head of Expert Team Office of Presidents Special Envoy on Climate change Indonesia Manager of Climate Project Indonesia speaks about the programs involving children in forums (now totalling more than 400 in Indonesia) to encourage them to speak out and get involved in programme planning to help achieve the Nationally Determined Targets of both unconditional & conditional emissions reduction target of 29% and 41% respectively on ‘a business as usual’ basis by 2030. These programmes are initiated by Non-state Actors and are upscaled to National Climate-Smart Programmes – such as Youth Leadership Camps for Climate Change delegations to International Conferences These children become agents of change and advise Policy makers. This flagship programme was championed by Al Gore who invited other nations to look at it as a useful model.
The next speaker – Walter Sanchez – spoke of World Vision – a national co-ordination of Clean Efficient Kitchens Project of Peru dedicated to providing smoke-free kitchens which reduce pollutants and Green House Gases funded by the carbon credit system. The children of these homes benefit on a health level and become better educated. Inspired, they, in turn, change & Improve their communities
Q&A Time evoked the question of how do we get going??… beyond rhetoric, to implement these programmes. This elicited various interesting answers … e.g. that in planning meetings an overall strategy of three budgets should be considered. A time budget, a complexity budget (don’t let things get too complicated) and a budget for Hope. Another answer given by Bjorn Freiberg (youth Advisory Panel at Plan International Germany), was a challenge to all adults to go and ask 3 children what they think and just listen without interruption.