Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Transformative Climate Solutions
Tareq Emtairah
Director of Energy, UNIDO
Lisanne Groen
Postdoctoral Fellow, UNU-IAS
Derval Usher
Head of Pulse Lab Jakarta,
UN Global Pulse
Katiuscia Fara
Senior Climate Services Advisor, WFP
Karim El Alami
Elum Energy
Joan Krajewski
General Manager of
WDG Safety, Compliance
and Sustainability, Microsoft
This event was organised by UNIDO and moderated by it’s director of Energy, Tareq Emtairah.
INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Tareq Emtairah, UNIDO, Lisanne Groen, UNU-IAS, Derval Usher, Pulse Lab, Katiuscia Fara, WFP, Karim El Alami, Elum Energy, Joan Krajewski, Microsoft