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Microbes with Akim Riemer – Part 2

Here we have Boschveld Hens. They run completely on a vegetarian diet which in one sense is quite interesting because they are not vegetarian, they are omnivores, they do need protein. For those who know a little bit about hens, you will be able to judge quite quickly whether they are unhealthy or healthy. When we put down between 5 or 6 microgreen blocks, they will run quite comfortably between 60 to 100 hens, and they will devour everything. There will be nothing left behind, the roots will be gone, everything. There are a few things from a farming perspective, what we’ve done here, is I’ve isolated the content or the contact from outside birds and that’s why we have the shade cloth. We want our birds to move freely but we also understand that contact with outside birds is not a positive thing, especially for diseases. We might be a small farm, but we understand biosecurity. A large amount of the diseases created on our planet actually most probably been started from the bigger operations than really the smaller operations, although the smaller operations can be accused of causing havoc. The people with one of the most strongest flora in their bodies are the people from Malawi and they’ve run tests and the people in Malawi have got the strongest. What is important for that, and they attribute that, is that firstly in the Malawian people culture they are allowing, they firstly stay home for thirty days and after thirty days the baby can be passed around to a lot of other people. So we innoculate each other with microbes, we almost vaccinate each other for what we have, and when we look at Western culture, the baby is so precious that we don’t let anybody touch it because it is a porcelain doll and it might die.

no volume at 6;28

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