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Managing Livestock Impacts Under Agriculture | Part 2

In this panel discussion on Methane Emissions in Livestock and Managing the Impacts, various speakers address a variety of subjects like agricultural practices, livestock products, etc and answer questions from the floor at COP 22, Marrakech.

Alexandre Berndt, EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), answers an audience member’s questions on our food systems, agricultural practices, viable alternatives, how they work and how the environment is consequently being affected.

Walter Oyhantacabal, Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishery, Uruguay, speaks about ecosystems, animals, the agricultural process, and the grasslands that are not suitable for farming practices whether it be crops or livestock, which is another issue.

Agripina Jenkins, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Costa Rica, answers further audience questions regarding farming methods and practices, and the intensification of such practices.

Zewdu Eshetu, Climate Science Center, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia speaks further about using livestock products as resources and addressing issues in agricultural practices.

Alexandre Berndt concludes based on the last question, that intensification will not take place on a large scale.

Bess Tiesnamurti, Indonesian Center for Animal Husbandry Research & Development, is also present.

Robin Mbae, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya, summarises issues that have emerged, such as the need to address the reduction of livestock emissions, carbon dioxide emissions, and other problems that face us. He mentions that livestock practices drive the economy of a country and that research on additives needs to be carried on.

EMPRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) https://www.embrapa.br/en/pesquisa-e-desenvolvimento

Alexandre Berndt https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexandre_Berndt

Zewdu Eshetu https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zewdu_Eshetu

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya https://www.kenyans.co.ke/government/ministry-agriculture-livestock-fisheries
https://ccafs.cgiar.org/blog/kenya-integrates-climate-smart-agriculture-its-intended-nationally-determined-contribution#.WMAfKmSGOWg CCAFS – Kenya INDC – Climate Smart Agriculture

Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishery, Uruguay http://ghdx.healthdata.org/organizations/ministry-livestock-agriculture-and-fisheries-uruguay

Ministry of Agriculture and Live Stock, Costa Rica http://theredddesk.org/countries/actors/ministry-agriculture-and-livestock-costa-rica

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