Home / Powerful / Teenage ECO activist addresses delegates at climate change conference

Teenage ECO activist addresses delegates at climate change conference

The ECO (Environmental Children’s Organisation), which is a group of 12 and 13-year-olds, trying to make a difference. They raised all the money themselves to be at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development to travel 5000 miles to tell adults at the conference that they need to change their ways.

They have no hidden agenda, but simply fighting for their future. Losing their future is not like losing an election, or a few coins on the stock market. They are there to speak for all future generations to come, on behalf of starving children around the world whose cries go unheard, for the countless animals dying across the planet because of nowhere left to go. Being afraid to breathe the air, because of not knowing what chemicals are in it.

Dream of herds of wild animals and jungles and rainforests, full of birds and butterflies, but now wondering if they will exist for their children to see. If adults don’t know how to fix it, they need to stop breaking it.

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