

‘InsuResilience’~a Pro-Poor focus for Climate-Stressed and Vulnerable peoples

David Hewitt of United Nations University Institute ~ Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), introduces speakers  with interdisciplinary expertise on Climate Analytics, Risk Management and Insurance from the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) for the launch of their latest policy report entitled, ‘Making Climate Risk Insurance work for the most vulnerable : ...

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COP 22 Global Goal on Adaptation for NDC’s

As a follow up on the agreed Global Goal on Adaptation requirement as per Paris agreement, panel speakers, Mr Harjeet Singh (Action Aid), Mr Sandeep Chamling Rai (WWF Intl.) and Mr Sven Harmeling (Care Intl.) present and speak on the launch of their Global Goal on Adaptation report and the ...

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COP 20 Stuart Scott Money Operating System

Mother Channel – COP 20 Lima - Stuart Scott

COP 20 Lima. Stuart Scott presentation on the Money Operating System, Neo-classic Economics and the role Money has played in the destruction of the global environment. We have to have a realisation at this point. The “Operating System” of global civilization is seriously flawed. This flawed operating system is known ...

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COP 20 Hi Carbon-Low Efficiency

Mother Channel – COP20 Hi Carbon Low Efficiency

COP 20 LIMA Speaker on the transition from the present non-sustainable high carbon, low efficiency cities and economies, to sustainable low carbon high efficiency cities, economies and environments.

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