In this video Mark Heisteen from the Aquatron and cape winelands wilderness foundation shows us a wonderfully constructed sewage mechanism that can be set up domestically in the basement of proprieties and will help to keep pollution out of the rivers and that comes from informal settlements. The issue of sewage from broken pipes in the poorest parts of African neighborhoods has been a big issue and one that Mark is set to solve. Using ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and a simple but effective network of pipes he’s engineered a genius way to help clean the water and therefore drastically reduce its impact on the environment but also so it can be used again. To add to it the system can be entirely retrofitted to your existing toilet network with minimal skill.
Home / Cape Town TV / EARTH’S FRONT LINE: The end of sewerage into rivers, seas and aquifers – The device that makes sewerage an asset
Tags aquifers Cape Town TV EARTH’S FRONT LINE Rivers seas sewerage