COP 20 Lima Peru Presentation – Para-AGUA – Speaker Dr. Sergio D. Claure on: Mountain and glacier ice melt and Andes watershed impacts, this is a really important presentation as it shows the impacts that climate change is having on the Andes. He also covers the impacts that such dramatic alterations are having on the lives of millions of people who depend on the water for drinking water supply and agriculture.
Para Agua Project launched by the National Water Authority of Peru and Watershed Basin Councils in partnership with USAID for adaptation and resilience of watersheds in Peru and Columbia. It also binds key strategic partners National Centre for Atmospheric Research, The Mountain Institute,AECOM, The Stockholm Environmental Institute and their Peruvian counterparts to bring high quality water management and state of the art technology to bear on the problem.
The problem that faces Peru, in fact most of the region is really very serious. As stated here, the Para – AGUA partnership is actually a victory of collaboration to solve the massive crisis facing the region, specifically the coffee industry and those who rely on the water for daily use.This was a four year project and has brought about much success and community collaboration. The project is likely to be expanded across the region as multiple areas are suffering from water related issues. Whats interesting here is you can see the local effects of a changing climate starting to wear its face in various countries. The project needs to yield adaptation techniques that can be utilised nationally and across the continent. This is a must watch and further research information on the project and the players is provided here as well.
Additional links to the project for more information can be found here:
The Military Engineer project summary and write up
AECOM’s public write up on the project
Links to the background on Dr. Sergio D. Claure:
Links to the various partners: