This is a climate emergency. It affects everyone. How will we face the future? We will face it together. No matter who we are, where we are from, or how grown up we are. The climate crisis has many faces, but you don’t have to face it alone. The actions ...
Read More »Ocean’s in Crisis: Dr. C. Turley, Mr J. Manning & Dr. S. Chavanich
This video see’s part two of the discussion about the Ocenas in crisis. Featuring speakers from Dr. C. Turley, Mr J. Manning & Dr. S. Chavanich we see the panel discuss topics such as informing countries of the UNFCCC process with regards to controlling oxygen and sea levels. Dr C. ...
Read More »Ocean’s in Crisis: Dr. H.-O. Portner & Dr. L. Levin
This video is featuring Dr. H.-O. Portner & Dr. L. Levin among other speakers discuss some intriguing topics such as the term “global stock take” and what it actually means. Moreover we have another excellent question put forward by Judy Sole to the panel and Judy explains that we have ...
Read More »Ocean’s in Crisis: Dr. P. Williamson & Mr. J. Manning
This video sees an eccentric Mr Phil Williamson tell us objectively what can be done about climate change. Mr Williamson reminds us that the overall objective has not changed as there still is too much co2 being put into the atmosphere. The basic problem as Mr Williamson reminds us is ...
Read More »Ocean’s in Crisis: Dr. F. Gaill & Dr. H.-O. Portner
The Paris Agreement’s aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the agreement ...
Read More »Ocean’s in Crisis: Dr. V. Ryabinin
This video is with Dr Ryabinin and talks about the blue carbon initiative. We have speaker Dr MS Copertino talking with us and she says how Brazilian soil has far more carbon than Amazonian soil. We hear about why the blue carbon initiative is important. When protected or restored, blue ...
Read More »Ocean’s in Crisis: Dr. C. Turley & Dr. L. Levin
This video continues of course along the global climate change theme focusing on the Ocean crisis that’s going on the world over and what is being done about it. Dr C Turley from Plymouth marine lab initially talks to us about the Ocean acidification and how a study found that ...
This video holds a debate discussing emerging technology and how it can help promote and implement environmentally policy and drive us into the future. Featuring speakers from Microsoft we will find out how they as key players in the ICT industry will drive technological innovation for climate change. Harnessing the ...
Featuring British Nick Nuttall there will be an interesting discussion with regards to the progress towards a global progression towards a global carbon resource efficient world. Sustainability and emission management is key to our success. There is hope and progression but as the world population increases the strain on resources ...
Read More »COP 23 DAY 12 Pitt Lands
This discussion has members from the UNFCCC and she talks about how to preserve Peatlands forest. Scientists have discovered the world’s largest tropical Peatlands in the remote Congo swamps, estimated to store the equivalent of three years’ worth of the world’s total fossil fuel emissions. The main issue is about ...
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