This video continues of course along the global climate change theme focusing on the Ocean crisis that’s going on the world over and what is being done about it.
Dr C Turley from Plymouth marine lab initially talks to us about the Ocean acidification and how a study found that 50% of all species tested were affected negatively by ocean acidification. Moreover Dr Turley tells us about her experience with cold water corals.
Dr Turley reminds us how important the cold water corals are and how the living parts grow and are protected by a membrane. The dead corals start to dissolve and Dr Turley tells us that if we continue as we arte then 70% of Coldwater corals will disintegrate by the end of the century.
Moreover Dr Turley tells us about the info regarding the ocean warming effect. She tells us about tropical coral reefs and the major beaching events that took place in 1992 but how there has been back to back beaching in the past two years. This is not a trend we want to continue.
Dr Turley tells us about how Ocean acidification impacts coral recruitment. The calcification over the last 20 years is actually decreasing. Dr Turley tells us how Ocean warming and acidification and decline in oxygen are projected to intensify over millennia even after climate stabilization. Dr Turley tells us that the current NDCs are not enough because we do not want an ocean that’s warming by 2-6 degree or an ocean that’s losing PH at a rapid rate. This is simply unacceptable and adaptation is essential.
If you would like to hear more from Dr Turley then her book is on sale called “Oceans of impact” and she works for Plymouth marine laboratory.
The video finishes with Mrs Levin telling us about the value of the ocean. Everything you are used to and take for granted, fresh fish, beautiful coral displays, tourism, fisheries, livelihoods and much more all depend on a healthy ecosystem and a non acidic ocean.
Dr Levin also draws our attention at the end of the video to a graph that shows which countries recognise the importance of the ocean. Pause 10:06 to see the graph. Dr Levin informs us about coastal management and deep sea restoration. Deep ocean management is essential for future generations so that they can continue to care about it as well.
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. By Alex Mitchison