Home / COP 23 / Minute Cement LC3 Promo

Minute Cement LC3 Promo

It must be noted before you read this review that globally this year we produced more cement than ALL food produced on the entire planet. That’s quite something.

LC3 is a new type of cement that is based on a blend of limestone and calcined clay. LC3 can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 30%, is made using limestone and low-grade clay which are available in abundant quantities, is cost effective and does not require capital intensive modifications to existing cement plants.

This video is all about LC3 cement and it stands for Limestone calcined clay cement. It is a mixture of 50% clinker, 30% calcined clay and 15% ground limestone.

The reason this new form of cement is efficient and innovating is because it can double the production of cement with but with the same amount if clinker. In addition to this, you can use limestone and clay of lower grade normally discarded by industries and no top soil or agricultural soil will be used.

Clays are abundantly available in areas where they are used most and LC3’s are aiming to provide local solutions to the global demand. The LC3 is low carbon, low cost and low capital and easy to use. As a group the LC3 team are working to make cement production and use more sustainable and this is one big step forward to achieving this goal.


Links: https://www.lc3.ch/ , https://www.lc3.ch/the-material/potential/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r75iXeBwvdE

By Alex Mitchison

About Web Master

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