Cathy Oke
Councilor, Melbourne, Australia,
ICLEI Global Executive Committee Member
Director General
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Tania Roediger-Vorwerk, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) introduces the initiative “Green people´s energy for Africa”.
In the next five years, the initiative plans to:
– establish 100 people’s energy partnerships with Africa that communities and individuals from Germany can get involved in directly;
further strengthen vocational education and training in the energy sector with a new “Energy Training Initiative”.For more information on the Green People’s Energy for Africa, please find a fact file on the right of this page. For information in German, please click here.
She also introduced the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) which intends to:
– support our partner cities in reducing congestion and creating accessible environments for people and the economy by shifting more trips towards public transport, walking and cycling.
– support our partner cities in providing affordable access to public transport services and safe walking infrastructures for all population groups.
– support our partner cities in reducing the number of traffic fatalities and transport-related air pollution.
– support our partner cities in building resilient structures and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in urban transport.