A panel discussion on the current and future potential role of the ocean in adaptation and mitigation of climate change and potential uncertainties. These include protection, expansion and location of marine carbon sinks (blue carbon), use of small scale algal farming to enhance local fishers’ adaptive capacity to ocean acidification, large scale capture and storage of CO2 in strata below the seabed and how the ocean could be impacted by global warming reduction methodology. The panel will discuss potential for mal-adaptation and need for trans-disciplinary science based decisions.
Chair: Dr Carol Turley, OBE, Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Introduction to panel members and the role of the ocean in the carbon cycle and in mitigating CC/OA
Dr Phil Williamson, University of East Anglia and NERC: Global warming reduction methodologies and their potential uncertainties for the ocean
Dr Ana Queiros, Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Blue Carbon + Climate Ready Conservation = Climate Action
Dr Carol Turley, OBE, Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Carbon farming: a potential ecosystem based adaptation for developing coastal communities
Mr Tim Dixon, IEAGHG: Large scale CCS pros and cons for the ocean
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