COP 21 PARIS. Francois Heindricks, French Association Refrigerant Management AFCE speaks on CFC and HFC refrigerant emissions.
His organisation is trying to improve the management of refrigerant and the implementation of the regulation in Europe and in France, for the refrigerants which are greenhouse gasses as well. A big event such as COP 21, and International people should speak together, but each small organisation should discuss with its national people and move forward with a small target. They can not discuss about global targets as only political people can, and they lose a lot of time to do so. Refrigerants are large greenhouse gases. A chemical in air conditioners is 1300 times more efficient as CO2, so it’s a larger greenhouse gas. Leakage is a major problem. The problem is to destroy them after they aren’t of any use without letting the greenhouse gasses into the air.