Extremely concerning reports
- From 31 scientific institutes saying the governments of the world must take seriously the scientists advice to do something drastic to stop climate change. – https://www.yahoo.com/news/31-scientific-societies-just-told-200519194.html
- From the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, who have done the number crunching and say that the target 190 countries at COP 21 set to keep the global temperatures below 1.5 degrees C above preindustrial times is already not possible. Governments have lost the opportunity to keep temperatures below 1.5C and, bar a miracle, the world is headed fast for at least 2.5 to 3 degrees C which is unstoppable and will probably lead to the end of life for most species on earth. – http://www.climatechangenews.com/2016/06/29/scientists-window-for-avoiding-1-5c-global-warming-closed/
Jason Sole outlines some solutions – normal and drastic -from Mother Channel presentations but thinks that, as usual, no action will be taken. However, he says that 30th June 2016 is historic date because from now on you cannot say you did not know.
The miracle has already been discovered: CO2 has a negligible effect on the climate.
Hi Graham, thanks for your response. Please could you do a little research before commenting. This whole denial thing is becoming extremely boring. Its like having to educate the ignorant over and over again. Alternatively should you not want to do any research than please just go stand in the corner with the other sheep. Thanks.
Hey Brian
What about the rapidly rising Carbonic acid levels in the Ocean? The acid is perforating the shells of some small sea creatures such as Plankton. We are really heading down a crazy road.
exactly! they’re mostly deluded and in self denial.the rest are just stupid and ignorant.i get called a weirdo,mad hippy etc and generally laughed at for having the same views as yourselves.i’m an optimist and where there’s life there’s hope etc.i’m afraid getting all these people that can do something to wake up and smell the coffee is a fight that may not be winnable.i hope there is an afterlife and people are made to see their destruction.that said well done for attempting to help them.it’s a shame the small minority of the world population that do not want all life to end like this to have to go through it with them.have a good day and keep up the good work.
It always was going to end. Very clearly states same in the Bible in Revelations. No matter what we do it can’t be changed. Most of us who know Creation Science is accurate have been laughed at for years. Guess some people will have to wait till they die to find out that this universe was created by a CREATOR.
Oh yes this is not denial, and again you will be one of the ones who find out the TRUTH the HARD way. You can mock all you like but I know whose side I’m on. And PS HE has been speeding up time for some years now. You won’t comprehend any of this as you have to have a scientific reason for this.
Keep laughing now because eventually you won’t be. God Bless you.